Date: Sunday, April 8, 2018
Time: 2:45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Cost: $30.00
Location: 8426 E. Shea Boulevard
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

True empowerment comes from within.

In this  unique and fun book group, we will be discussing books by authors that share their wisdom of the spiritual path and provide a deeper understanding of some of the principals and life gifts that comprise the BARNESS SHIFT METHOD.  Theses truths, some ancient and others within our modern psychology, will provide the means to  move into a new level of consciousness allowing you and your new book group members to create an authentic path  manifesting the joy so deeply desired.

When you connect with your authentic self you are able to tap into the your own creativity and passion.  You have the power within yourself already  to make dreams come true. In my book, workshops and workbook, EXPERIENCING THE SHIFT, you begin to take the first steps on your new path. The path that leads to an amazing and powerful transformation.  Come and join us for this exciting new group and unleash your inner power to create the happiness you desire.